Harnessing the benefits of AI in payments

Unlocking a range of workflow and product enhancements

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Insights include

This independent Celent report, commissioned by Icon Solutions and MongoDB, looks at how Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies can transform the payments industry by enabling new ways of delivering value to customers, enhancing security and efficiency, and creating new business models and opportunities.

This report explores how banks are currently using AI as well as the potential use cases and benefits of AI in payments, and some important considerations for banks planning to adopt and implement AI solutions.

Key takeaways include: 


  • 73% of banks report that they have delivered clear revenue opportunities from their investments in advanced data analytics.
  • 29% of banks are prioritising investments in artificial intelligence and NLP in 2023-2024.
  • 45% of Tier 1 banks view a lack of developer capacity as one of their biggest barriers to delivering product innovation in payments.
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