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Build your instant payments solutions in as little as 3 months with IPF

EBAday 2024, Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, 18-19 June 2024

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Thank you for your interest in Icon and IPF!

On this page, you will find more information about our Icon Payments Framework (IPF) and how it can help accelerate your payments roadmap.

If you would like to hear more you can also book a meeting with us.

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The Icon Payments Framework
IPF is a low code-based framework that enables banks to develop their own payment processing solution by leveraging the IPF software development kit and any desired optional modules or ready-made scheme packs. This can be done by the banks themselves or with help from Icon or an SI.
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Whitepaper: Building your own payment solution

Your success guide to an in-house build

See how IPF can help control your build, your cost and your risk


Blog: How to future-proof payments

Key questions to ask at EBAday


Read our latest research

Using low code to accelerate payments innovation

Using Low Code To Accelerate Payments Innovation

Independent research conducted by Celent on behalf of Icon estimates that software developer capacity constraints have impacted banks’ payment revenues by 5% over the past two years.
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Harnessing the benefits of AI in payments

This independent Celent report, commissioned by Icon Solutions and MongoDB, explores how banks are currently using AI, the potential use cases, benefits and considerations of using AI in payments.

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